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Meet Brea



Welcome! It is so wonderful to see you here! In this space you can expect to share, envision and create your goals, dreams, passions, all while discovering what's possible for you.  

Years ago when I was pursuing my schooling in Social Work I dreamed of a day when I could create a space for others to feel valued, heard, and seen. Where women could realize their own power and make conscious choices to step into it, feeling capable and abundant.


Fast forward several years to when I was a new mom, navigating those challenges and struggles of "mom life". Having a community of women who valued, heard and saw me was instrumental in helping me to discover my strengths, passions and possibilities. I discovered how essential it was for me to come to know, prioritize and honor my own needs.


Aligning my life experiences, becoming a certified Life Coaching, and yoga teacher, I am fulfilling my goals of creating a space where women can come, gather, partner together, and do the work to discover their innate desires, possibilities and personal power. Are you ready to take the next step to align more deeply with your self and soul?

A little more about me...

I'm a prairie girl, who claims the mountains as her home, and feels an immense connection to nature. 

Singing, dancing and being goofy are deep held loves of mine! And if we can do all 3 at the same time my life feels full!

I am blessed with a beautiful family, and although some of those early mom days were a struggle for me, "together is my favorite place to be" with these cute humans!
My deepest held core belief is that there is goodness and light in us all, we often just need someone to hold space for us to realize it. Let me be the one to hold the space for you today, as we step into this journey of what is possible together.
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